
Does a tri-fold bike worth it?

Yes, It does. They are the perfect bike for commuters. Their functionality makes them easy to transport on public transportation systems. You can conveniently carry it onto a train or bus, place in the boot of a car and even store under your desk at work and you also won’t need to worry about it being stolen.

One of the huge advantages of a folding bike is that you can keep it with you. Even if you live in a small apartment or work in a small cubicle you can find a place for a folded bike. Tuck it in the corner or place it under your desk.

Each bike company has a different design and method to getting their bikes to fold, but the end result is the same. Folding bikes are made to transform from a fully functioning bicycle to a modest size. The compact shape of a folding bike makes them easy to store when not in use.

Easy to fold
Folding bikes are designed to be folded. While each company takes a different approach to their folding design they’re all easy to learn and quick to do. Folding and unfolding these bikes won’t require magic. Most folding bikes can be folded within 30 seconds or less.

Easy to Transport
Folding bikes have opened the possibility to bike commute for thousands of people. Many people are open to riding a bike as a commuter, but the distance they would need to pedal was too far or would take too long. One of the positive aspects of folding bikes is that you can ride them to a nearby bus, train, or metro and fold it up to bring it on board. It’s a nuisance to do this with a full size bicycle, but a folding bike makes it easy. People are choosing folding bikes, because a commute to work can be done partly on the bike and partly via public transportation.


Post time: Sep-09-2021